The 3-Armed Octopus
The Flame was one of Fox Feature Syndicate's most popular superheroes, so much that he was one of their Big 3, as well as in his own title. This pyrokinetic protector fought very colorful characters, the most tragic as well as strangest was known as The Octopus. Aside from being a name incorporated by at least a dozen other comic book villains, The Octopus was not someone with a Cthulhu fetish or robotic tentacles. but a chartreuse-skinned freak with three arms. This meant he wore a top with a trio of sleeves which apparently made him sore enough that he decided to become a crime lord after terminating all the city's racketeers. His latest target is the uncle of The Flame's current girlfriend Linda Dale, a former gangster who after first escaping Octopus years ago ends up getting killed by him. The Flame goes after Octopus, but manages to capture the hero, despite being conveniently freed by Linda now using Flame's powers as his new partner Flame Girl. Despite having a ...