Scraps spells "Victory"!

Once again, Captain Lazybones Marvel decided to leave all the fighting the Nazis to you, the commonfolk with no superpowers. As patriotic as Americans can get, they're not going to enlist and cross the ocean just to get back at one German litterbug. This comic ad shows a single Nazi spy somehow easily infiltrating US soil with the sole purpose of climbing up a building, writing "victory" on an 8.5x11, rip it to pieces, and throwing out of a window just to jeer random passersby. Captain Marvel happens to show up to bust his nose, as opposed to using the Speed of Mercury to run to the other side of the planet and arrest Hitler within a few minutes, which is totally in his powerset. The main message behind this 1941 ad was to talk kids into recycling, making Captain Marvel the original Captain Planet. As good an idea it might be, the ad pretty much fails using a godlike entity as a spokesman meant to promote a mundane effort.


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