Be-Ware The Were-Wolf

The power of positive thinking can translate into getting actual supernatural abilities as Adolph Krimetz was mocked as a youngster for having wolfish features by teasing military schoolmates that caused him to commit manslaughter on one of them. Adolph ran away to live alone in the mountains for the next two decades where he somehow gained the actual gifts of a wolfman. Whether he was already a lycanthrope before going into hiding or he just got bit by one later on is never told, but Adolph now sets himself out as a bloodthirsty supervillain tagged as Were-Wolf. The Big Bad goes after his old tormentors now in positions of pre-WWII American army. This gets the attention of the patriotic Lash Lightning who is another white guy that got powers from ancient Egyptian magic. Lash's abilities to fly, shoot electricity, and enhanced strength leave him at an oddly even fighting chance against Mr. Wolf as his lightning can temporarily turn Adolph back into a human. Were-Wolf is super-strong, can leap tall buildings, and is largely bulletproof as well as bombproof, but it took a large furnace to finally put him down. Through a quartet of tales, Lightning's monstrous enemy would do all kinds of nasty like planting bombs, kidnapping, sabotage, murdering innocent doctors, and even killing the seeing-eye dogs of blind children, so Were-Wolf was a definitive adversary, although his talent to avoid getting hit by a silver bullet finale stems largely because of the past machinations of jerky former students. If you happen to have someone in class that resembles a canine, maybe keep that thought to yourself as they might return years later as a vengeful cannibal.


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