The Future Of Kaiju

American Comics Group's estranged series of Adventures Into The Unknown endured from the late 40s through 60s, so when they got to Issue #158 you could see they were running a little low on fresh ideas. The opening narration states the story doesn't have a hero, villain, plot, or even a decent title with What Are You Going To Do With Your Future, Joe?, but an emerging menace that was supposed to make it all worthwhile. Joe Foster is an average joe in the army just as a flying saucer emerges from space that America's military manages to shoot down and sends him on a mission to find the downed ship. Joe's unit locates the UFO where they find it being manned by a winged dinosaur monster that they kill with a bazooka. The army fails to notice some strange fungus spreading out all over the place that spawns off more of the same kind of monsters. These beasts begin to grow to full kaiju-size which threaten to completely dominate the Earth. It concludes with the cryptic line, "What are you going to with all your futures, all of you Joes?" There is no genuine attempt to give any kind of point to the story, what was supposed to be learned from it, or how it would help people plan for such an extraterrestrial menace that appears out of no place. Unless we have perfected the craft of giant robots to fight back these ravenous dinos, this short only shows that humanity is completely screwed if space plants start sprouting instant monsters. Even as a cautionary tale, this gives no hope or method to deal with an imaginary apocalyptic threat. This is a classic example of No Moral Theater.


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