Tyro Team To Go

When Charlton decided to have their Charlton Premiere book act as a showcase for new stories and characters, Aquaman writer Steve Skeates turned out a script for a brand-new superhero team within a few days. Granted, the story is only ten pages long, but the one-time trio made the most of their limited screentime in the first issue of this artistic anthology. Bill Montes and Ernie Bache provided the art for this tale of teens versus gangsters. Three frat boys with the nicknames of Creep, Spec, and Swift somehow discover that they can all communicate with each other telepathically. Whether this means they can read the others' minds or merely mentally text message the others are left a mystery, along with how they got these powers in the first place, which is of course just lazy writing. Realizing their newfound abilities, what is best idea they come up with for how to use them? Fighting crime, obviously! Despite how barely useless their one superpower is that they even point out that it won't help them against bullets, each of them gets their own costume consisting of a blue face mask and individual-colored sweatshirts with a monogram letter "T" on them and pick the name Tyro Team. Specs and Swift are usually the ones to confront any bad guys that Creep manages to find while scouting around town at night for trouble, which lead to most crooks not realizing that the Tyros were a three-piece band. Tyro Team did have decent hand-to-hand fighting skills, but nothing that some heavy-set thugs couldn't handle if there were enough of them. While busting some burglars, the narrative decided to pad out the story by showing what Specs and Swifty's ditched dates were doing while their boyfriends were out pretending to be Batman and Robin. The fight Specs and Swifty start with the crooks goes on for so long that a local TV reporter manages to have a film crew ready to do an on-the-spot shot during the scuffle. The two masked teens are shown running away on camera to hide their secret identities. Creep tracks one of the escaped burglars to his hideout where he reports to his boss Hank Hogmire, so Creep mind-calls the other two Tyros to bust them. Hogmire evades Specs and Swifty, but an unmasked Creep decks him without worrying if he might later get recognized. We never get to actually see Creep in his superhero duds outside of the issue's cover, so a full shot of the entire trio in uniform is left out of their premiere and sole appearance. Why they pick the word "Tyro" meaning unprofessional for their team's name doesn't get any mention either, even though it's pretty apparent that the three stooges are complete novices in the field of fighting crime.


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